Premier League Disabled Advisory Group

Trevor Bright and Cathy Bayford, the Disabled Supporters Board Co-Chairs, attended the Premier League Disabled Advisory Group (PL DAG) meeting held at the Museum of Football in Manchester on 28 September, 2023.
The Advisory Group was in jeopardy of being disbanded following the Premier League’s decision to group disabled supporter issues under the full umbrella of Equality, Diversity and inclusion. The PL DAG members, under the guidance of new Chairman, Ted Morris (who also Chairs the Liverpool Disabled Supporters Association), challenged the Premier League, highlighting how Disabled Supporter's requirements were specific when it came to attending Football Stadiums. Thankfully, they reconsidered their plans and went on to fund this meeting where we had representatives from Disabled Supporters Associations from thirteen EFL Clubs.
The Agenda included the expectations of the Club Disabled Supporter Officer/Disability Access Officer’s relationships, roles and responsibilities, led by the Premier League’s Rachel Solich, the Supporter Relations Partnership Manager. Her colleague, Tommy Guthrie, the Head of Fan Engagement covered the guidelines for the new Fan Advisory Board and Premier League Fan Engagement Standard - stressing the importance of the DSA maintaining a position on any Fan Advisory Board (FAB) to ensure the voice of supporters with accessibility issues is heard at Club level.
The afternoon session covered the introduction of Accessible Stadia Guidance 2 (ASG). This document provides a benchmark of good practice to ensure new and existing sports grounds provide facilities and services that are both inclusive and welcoming for all. We finished the day with discussions centred around ambulant seating and how to better place supporters with accessibility needs. (We are not the only Club struggling with persistent standing and the resulting restricted view this can present for those with mobility issues seated behind problem areas - a problem that has seen a reported increase since the return to Stadiums for fans since Covid 19)
We left the day having filled our address book with useful contacts, an increase in an understanding of examples of stadia expectations and Club good practice and, I am bashful to admit, a feeling of pride that at West Ham we are already far ahead of many of our counterparts when it comes to Club relationships and fan engagement