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Disabled Supporters Association Launch Day 16th April 2023

We had a fantastic day launching the Disabled Supporters Association and our new website at the London Stadium prior to the Arsenal Game in April. The sun shone, allowing the Board members to wear and show off their DSA logoed T-Shirts without needing heavy coats. The Accessibility Team along with Supporter Services loaned us the use of their two information tents on the Podium and we adorned them with our own logo bunting and posters, showing off our new WHU DSA badge. Our Disabled Supporter Board members manned the tents, met people as they came through the search lanes, and walked the circumference of the Stadium handing out badges and website details.

The DSA’s put up our posters across the Stadium and handed out more badges and website information at the turnstiles. The event gave us the opportunity to meet many of our Disabled Supporters and chat over concerns and issues regarding their matchday experience. We were surprised to hear that many fans did not know the Disabled Supporters Board existed, so we were so pleased we were given this opportunity! Below we outline the day’s main topics of discussion and give some initial feedback where we can.


Blue Badge Parking

This was the number one discussion point. The lack of suitable parking close to the Ground for disabled supporters. We currently have 60 spaces in the “Gold Top” parking situated on the pavement area, just at the end of Bridge 3. This carpark is also used for the overflow for the Execs parking. We are well aware that the sixty allocated blue badge spaces do not make a very big dent as a provision for the number of Accessible Season ticket holders we have, as for the occasional match by match fans.


The London Stadium sits within a designated green area and as such the vehicular movement is required to be kept to a minimum. The number of cars allowed on the overall site on a matchday is also restricted by this ruling, so our allocation is a percentage of all parked cars – that includes players, their families, Club staff, and the management. Back at the Boleyn, the Club was able to “rent” additional parking at local schools and suchlike. However, the schools adjacent to the London Stadium, because of the same green area restrictions have limited parking themselves, with their staff also, like us as fans, being encouraged to use the extensive local public transport system.


Comments are often made about the car park appearing to be almost empty on some matchdays. There are a set of rules current allocated users have to follow and there is a “red card” system in place for anyone abusing the process. Unfortunately, by the very nature of many disabilities it is not until the morning of a match that we know we are unable to attend, by which time it is too late logistically, with the pressures of matchday procedures for the Club Staff to start reallocating car parking spaces. This process is under review and will be discussed with the DSB in closed season to see if a better method can, realistically be put into place – and managed fairly.


The DSB bring the lack of blue badge parking up every meeting we have with the Club – and will persist in doing so in order that additional areas are continued to be investigated. We know that there is additional security around the Stadium on matchdays (especially as we are a London Club) and vehicular movement is supposed to be kept to a minimum, however there does appear to be an increase lately in the number of cars parked up at kerbsides, apparently waiting for passengers within the restricted movement area, post-match, and they don’t appear to be blue badge holders.


The Shuttle Bus

I am sure everyone who uses this free service is incredibly grateful it saves them from the walk they would otherwise face (put in place after a collaborative meeting of minds between the Club & the DSB at the time of the Stadium move). We know it has potentially become used to it’s full capacity despite the number of buses increasing over the years.


An opportune moment here to remind users that the facility is for the disabled person and a PA, not for the whole family or accompanying friends who are more than capable of the walk themselves.


Whilst we appreciate you will be briefly separated, the fact you end up at the Stadium Store is an ideal place to rendezvous! Sadly, it has been reported that the Club Staff have had to endure some pretty awful abuse when reminding some of our supporters of these rules


Once at the shop many find the walk to and from the Shuttle Bus stop to their turnstiles still a bit of a trial, and this often commented on often. We have asked on many occasions for an additional stop to be added on the other side of the Stadium. Every time we are told, due to “health & safety” reasons this is just not possible.


The Club Store offers shelter, and a safe embarking/disembarking area. Something that has not been identified anywhere else around the Stadium. The Ticket Office can add an additional turnstile to your Season Ticket if this means entering the Stadium at another entrance would shorten your walk.


Please get in touch with the Accessibility Team or phone 0333 0300174, if you think this could help you. Meanwhile, we will continue to campaign for some more inventive ways to help cut down on the walking we need to do.


Audio Headsets for the Hearing Impaired

Some of our Supporters with impaired hearing reported back that the promised new headsets have yet to be introduced. This is disappointing to hear as these were supposed to have been in place months ago. The DSA has already expressed their disappointment at how slow this upgrade has taken, especially when we hear how good other Stadium’s systems are.


We were once, one of the leaders in this field, so it is a shame the much-praised commentary from our own James Datson is not reaching the ears in a satisfactory manner. Our understanding is a new system was ready to be trialled just prior to lockdown and with that delay, the quote became obsolete, and the process had to be started all over again.


The hold up is, it appears, well beyond the Accessibility Team, and with the Club’s Finance Department. Perhaps now as we hope to be remaining in the Premiership, the purse strings will be considered save again and the antiquated headsets will be replaced! Please watch the website for further updates.


Searching of Disabled Supporters

We will all be aware that the earlier you can get to the Stadium the easier the transition through the search procedure will be, before the large crowds arrive. However, we know it is not always be possible to get to the Stadium any earlier.


The evening kick offs are often busier closer to kick off as fans have to manage their time leaving work etc. However, there seems to have been some improvement at the search lanes in recent weeks. We will always have someone, who is not disabled trying to use the dedicated accessible search lane (another initiative the DSB was part of!) but on the whole, the misuse has lessened.


We would like to remind folk here, that the DSA’s are not Stewards and should not be expected to carry out the more confrontational duties. However, you can call the DSA on duty, or ask the Steward Manager to call them if you feel you are being challenged unreasonably.


Drinks with lids on, can be taken in for exceptional circumstances for us as disabled fans. Many of us have to take medication at regular intervals and a drink would be needed for that and it may be the case, that a doctor's note is asked for. We have also been made aware of the extreme difficulty of carrying an opened bottle if you are using a wheelchair and you would expect the kiosk staff to use some discretion in this situation, but this hasn't been the case.


Please ask for intervention from a DSA if you find yourself facing this situation. Just the briefest of reminders here, whilst it has been so pertinent in our footballing campaign these last two seasons – rules for drinks and other items are completely different under UEFA than those under the EFL schedule and drinks will not be permitted to be taken in. Please continue to feedback to us, post match on your experience passing through the search lanes – good or bad – so we can help see a continued improvement in this process.



The online “Ticketmaster” ticket purchase process is still in need of a tweak or two and the Club are aware of the issues. It seems the system will sometimes allocate your PA/Carer ticket attached to your own Client Reference number and sometimes it won’t.


To be sure your allocated PA/Carer ticket is also processed, if it is not completely obvious (and this is already happening as we renew our season ticket for next season) then please contact the Accessibility Team or phone 0333 0300174 to make sure it is properly processed.


We know the Club have had several meetings with Ticketmaster about this. I don’t really understand why it is so difficult as when you go to the Theatre or similar, the norm now seems to be a drop down menu as soon as you click you need an Accessibility ticket, to allocate a Carer and suitable seating position/wheelchair requirement?! Let’s hope it is sorted soon.



We write this as we are "inbetween" end of Season and our big cup final (the thought of which brings a flip to the tummy!) Thankfully, we end safely still in the Premiership. For those of you travelling out to Prague, take care - please let us know your experiences, good or bad. We all read the dreadful reports on what Liverpool disabled supporters went through in Paris and that UEFA were promising to tighten things up.


The DSB will be meeting with the Club in the next few weeks and we will be addressing the items above and discussing how the DSA will be represented as the new Fan Advisory Board format rolls out. Please watch the website and our other social media platforms for further details, the meeting agenda and in due course the minutes.


If you would like us to talk to the club about any issues that are bothering you then please get in touch with us via email at

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